Dungeon monsters can be tricky, especially if you seek to present them as part of a consistent game world. creatures who spend longer than a week in the darkness need to eat, sleep, and drink in the dungeon unless they possess unusual or unnatural physiology.
Cultegsu's Vault, East Severe 2
While the flow of materials from the surface is a critical component of Ber'carxi's economy, the principal benefit of conducting defensive tours on the surface level is access to these materials. Easily most of this material is circulated among craftsmen and vendors in the Ber'carxi Corridor. Cultegsu has been able to leverage his disproportionate access to the surface to generate a higher degree of wealth than most of the Green-Eyed cultists. This room is where he typically stored some of the rarer goods to have come within reach of the Temple of the Leaping Oracle.
A rounded corner of tall stones stands in the southeast corner of the room, several broken arrows are scattered throughout the room, and a moldy skeleton wrapped in black robes lies against the central stone. A geometric pattern of Triangles and Hexagons are engraved into the coral structure of the floor, Walls, and ceiling.
North Entry (Locked, Trapped)
A locked iron door (DC 20 to open, Hardness 20; 80 hp). Attempting to pick the lock or to break the door down will trigger a Gripilli Poison Puff Trap (DC 20 to spot, 14 to Disable, DC 19 Fortitude save against Liars Leave Pollen)
West Entry
A fountain of water sits in an alcove here; a DC 10 Perception check reveals the space opens into a room beyond
A Wizard Sponge (Perception +10; Stealth +13; Bestiary 3 pg. 294) is attached to the Ceiling in this room. When it positions itself above a PC it drops to engulf them.
Manacles of Persuasion (Gods & Magic pg. 122)
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