During the Cult of Cinders adventure of the Age of Ashes adventure path, players will encounter a humanoid species of small froglike beings that call themselves the grippli. The grippli are a hunter-gatherer society that lives in harmony with nature. In Cult of Cinders, these people are potential allies. On Golarion, the grippli live in the Mwangi Expanse, and it would make sense for parties doing a west marches campaign on Garund to encounter them. For any world, you decide to run, these creatures make an interesting choice to populate your rain forests or swamps with.
Stickytoe Grippli are a Heritage group of Grippli that emerge from most Grippli peoples. They Play particularly prominent military roles in forest-dwelling Grippli tribes. They stage ambushes in densely forested areas and are particularly difficult to extract from trees.
Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15
Unspecific Lore: DC 13
Specific Lore: DC 10
Stickytoe Grippli Heritage
Your hands and feet exude a film that helps them adhere to surfaces. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Fortitude and Reflex DC against attempts to Disarm, Shove, or Trip you. When ascending trees, vines, and other foliage, if you roll a success on the Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical success instead.
Source The Mwangi Expanse pg. 119 2.0
Stickytoe Player Characters
A Player that selects the Stickytoe Heritage anticipates a vertical element to encounters in their game. When designing encounters, this should be considered, particularly if the PC spends an action trying to find terrain they can climb. If there is no climbable terrain this sould serve a narrative or mechanical purpose.
Stickytoe NPCs
An ambush from elevation is the Stickytoed Grippli’s preferred engagement. Consider using a snare to initiate these encounters; When PCs trigger the trap, that becomes the signal to fling Darts and Arrows from hidden positions. This attack is more attractive from a copse of trees than an isolated bough. This can grant the Grippli additional mobility as they hop from tree to tree to maintain their distance from heartier foes. Take advantage of foliage with a hide action as part of the stickytoes three actions. Combining Ranged Strike, Stride, and Hide actions will make these undersized frog people a more challenging engagement.
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