About a month ago, I published an alternate alignment option I called Color Devotion. The intent behind this option was to provide an option that would allow PCs and NPCs that occupy a spectrum of possible allegiances and philosophies between good and evil. As some sort of reflection of player complexity, characters might possess any combination of one or more color devotions.
Green Devotion
Allied Devotions White and Red
Rival Devotions Blue and Black
Green Magic When spellcasters manifest Green aligned spells, they may feel a sense of longing for belonging and camaraderie. Sometimes they feel a deep sense of harmony with the world around them.
Adapted From Its Not Easy Being Green
Green wants acceptance.
Green Devottees' greatest strength is their absolute, unwavering belief in the natural system. Patent and long-suffering Green Devotion can be unflappable. Green Devotion embraces nature and can connect with it and use it in ways that are primal and very powerful. Green Devotion fosters strength in its devotees and individual Green Devoted creatures prosper and grow Many giant creatures serve as muscle to help Green Devotees push forward their agenda.
Green Devotion's weakness is its over-reliance on this interconnected system. For example, green devotees are so focused on banding together allies that there are a number of problems they simply can't deal with when they are isolated.
What does Green Devotion Want
The other devotions are all focused on how they'd change the world to make it better. Green Devotion is the one that doesn't want to change the world because green devotees are convinced that the world already got everything right. The natural order is beautiful and has all the answers to life's problems. The key is learning to sit back and recognize what is right in front of you.
Each individual is born with all the potential they need. The secret to a happy life is to recognize the role you were born into and then embrace it. Do what you were destined to do. The world is this elaborate system, and each one of us gets to play a part. And it's not something we have to guess about; it's imprinted on us; it's in our genes. Just look within.
In addition, you have to learn how you fit into the larger picture. Nature has a beautiful structure. Part of life is recognizing what role you play and how that role interconnects with the web of life. You're not alone. You're part of a complex system full of interdependencies.
The problem is there's so much going on that it's easy to lose track of what's already there. Too many individuals get so caught up in the details of their lives that they don't bother to sit back and understand the bigger picture. Green devotion truly believes that the rest of the devotions simply aren't taking the time to appreciate what is already there.
How Does Green Devotion Get There
If individuals don't take the time to come to nature, well, then green devotion will have to bring nature to them. Green devotees believe that once you understand what life offers, you will accept its gifts. The key is to find ways to help others see what green devotion already sees.
Green devotion's greatest tool in its quest to help others appreciate what it already sees is nature itself, and this plays out in a number of different ways.
Green Devotion has a special bond with creatures, especially the ones living in the wild that are tapped into the ecosystem. It means green devotion has access to large and vicious creatures. Green devotees often put this arsenal of wild animals to good use.
Green devotion is also closely tied to the land. This helps green devotees in numerous ways. It allows green devotees to find new connections faster and to accumulate allies.
Green devotion is also very connected to life itself and has the ability to rejuvenate. Tied closely to this is green's connection with growth, which it can use to overwhelm others. Green devotees' close bond with the natural order means that they can speed up natural processes that might normally take much more time.
All of this, though, is green devotion using the elements of nature as a means to show off what nature can do. Because once again, green devotees truly feel that the one thing keeping individuals from accepting the truth of the world is a lack of understanding. There's an inner harmony that's necessary to be able to take in what's all around you, and green devotion works hard to allow individuals to tap into that harmony.
What Does Green Devotion Reject
How Does Green Devotion Interact with Other Devotions
What Represents Green Devotion
- Life (birth)—One of the most potent forces of nature is the creation of new life. Green recognizes this as a key strength, and does everything it can to foster and honor the ability.
- Growth—Green is not about doing nothing. Nature itself is very active. As others twiddle their thumbs, the world is slowly but constantly growing. This unstoppable force of change is another very powerful element of nature, and it's something green taps into whenever possible.
- Nature (and natural things)—Green makes a big distinction between things that are naturally made and things that are artificially made. The first is a great gift from the world, and the second is an abomination. The world is creating amazing things. Green admires them and is always on the lookout for ways to make use of them to aid in green's quest.
- Reality (in contrast to illusion)—Truth is another potent force in the world. Green promotes truth because it reveals what actually is. Other colors try to misrepresent life, using lies and propaganda to mislead individuals to keep them from seeing the truth. As such, green is adamant about shutting down anything that misrepresents reality.
- Community—We are not isolated individuals but an interconnected web. Part of embracing green's philosophy is understanding the importance of how each of us figures into the lives of the others. Grasping the role this larger group plays is a vital piece in understanding how the world works.
- Interdependence—Nothing exists in a vacuum. Each individual's actions have consequences to the individuals around them. Part of accepting the message that green is trying to share with the world is realizing that you co-exist with so many others.
- Spiritualism—Green leaves religion to white, but it very much believes in the importance of accepting higher forces at play. Things don't just happen, they happen for a reason. The interconnectivity of nature doesn't just occur on a physical level, it happens on a much higher plane of understanding as well.
- The Past—Of all the colors, green is the most backwards-looking, as it believes that your future is very much determined by your past.
- Wisdom—Blue looks to the future and seeks knowledge, green looks to the past and seeks wisdom. Green believes that the secret to success today is understanding the successes and failures of those who came before you.
- Ancestry—If who you are is in your genes, then who you come from is of utmost importance.
- Tradition—Green believes that we need to be constantly touching the past, and a great way to do that is through traditions where you get to continue activities passed down through time by your ancestors.
- Instinct—Nature provides motivation through biology. Most creatures, for example, don't think about what they're going to do. They just do what comes naturally to them. To embrace green's philosophy is to understand that that those feelings are found not just in animals but in every living creature.
- Animals—The less civilized you are, the more you instinctively understand the role of nature. Animals, especially wild ones, connect with nature in a way that is hard for more sapient creatures to understand.
- Plants—Green's connection with living things doesn't stop with animals. Green is just as concerned about the flora as it is about the fauna.
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