Adapted From Suq'Ata
Khababar is a nation of traders led by a Citizens Council that appoints the Horator or chief executive. The name is derived from Khab, meaning market. Khababar was founded by Dwarves from the Ironforge Mountains and Humans from the Vrur Steppe. They settled and built cities. The settlers began to build a trading empire and soon had caravans traversing the huge continent of Mifob in search of valuables and profit. They annexed the Western Ironforge Mountains recalling tales of mineral wealth deep within them. A mercantile society was well-versed in spells, treasure, and artifice; with the emergence of the Gufari Council also came one of the oldest professions on Mifob - the Assassins of Jartkiir. Within the modern cities of Khababar, there is a network of secret guilds wholly devoted to murder. Using spells of summoning, fear, and mind-numbing cold, the assassins of Khababar sought not to defeat their opponents outright, but to poison them over time in a variety of insidious ways.
Prefectures of Khababar
Vrur Margrave- Khababar’s Frontier Province, Vrur is defined primarily by its neglect. It wasn’t claimed as much as it was ceaded. Rove Aquiesed this space between the empire and the Orcish free marches to the Fiesev, who have carved out a little liveable space south of the Ironforge Mountains.
Drill Lodge
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