Fulu are rectangular paper charms originating from the temples of Geidnir, where priests provide them to ward a homestead or protect travelers on the road. Others use fulus in rituals, summoning spirits to aid them in cleansing evil.
Fire Suppression Fulu Fulu 3
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 159 1.1
Price 10 gp
Duration 1 week; Usage affixed to a wall
The silver ink on this black paper charm ebbs in and out of sight, especially when caught out of the corner of your eye. Usually placed in the kitchen, this fulu slows the spread of fire in a 30-foot radius by half.
If the fulu itself catches fire, as it burns, it releases a shower of water in a 30-foot cone, automatically putting out non-magical fires in this area and attempting to counteract any magical fire effects with a +7 counteract modifier and a counteract level of 2; when this happens, the fulu's duration ends early.
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