Crystal Lights Trap Hazard 1
Source The Star Tide
Stealth DC 18 (trained)
Description The central crystal grows bright with magical energy.
Disable Thievery DC 16 Thievery check to correctly determine the safe stones, or a successful DC 16 Survival check by working out the answer with a compass and star charts. Destroying the crystal while the trap is active causes it to explode in a torrent of energy. All creatures within 40 ft. must make a DC 15 Fortitude saving throw, or take 4d6 points of electricity damage, or half damage on a successful save.
Complexity Complex
AC 15; Fort +9 Ref +3
Hardness 6 HP 30 (BT 15) Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
(reaction) Crystal Beams (arcane, electricity, evocation); Trigger A creature enters the room. Effect The trap deals 3d6 electricity damage to all creatures in the room (DC 18 basic Reflex save).
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