Source Bestiary pg. 119
Bronze dragons are among the most common of metallic dragons and the most likely to ally with mortals on worthy quests. However, they are naturally scholarly creatures who would rather study esoteric lore in their lairs than go off on a wild adventure. These aloof and stoic dragons also act as preservationists, guarding storehouses of ancient lore from destruction or perversion. Bronze dragons are principled and protective, but while their silver cousins are quick to crusade for justice, bronze dragons prefer to find an important location worthy of their protection and guard it against any attack or unwelcome intrusion.
Bronze dragons' mastery over water and affinity for electricity means they are a boon to sailors caught in thunderstorms. A bronze dragon's enemies quickly discover neither a cloudy sky nor a turbulent sea provides shelter from their wrath. Bronze dragons lair along shorelines, often in partially submerged sea caves.
While all dragons keep hoards of treasure, the hoard of a bronze dragon resembles a vast library—with the shelves kept carefully above the waterline. In addition to their collections of esoteric lore, bronze dragons keep treasures associated with the sea, such as beautiful scrimshaw, flawless pearls, and equipment inlaid with mother-of-pearl and abalone shell.
Master Bronze Dragons Drakes
Dragon, Metallic
Related Groups Brass, Copper, Gold, Silver
Paragons of virtue, nobility, and grace, metallic dragons are benevolent entities revered as mythic beings akin to gods in both their power and majesty. Few have ever seen a metallic dragon firsthand, but tales of their intervention in mortals’ lives and their passing always spread far and wide. Named for how their scales resemble the shining metals humanoids use in commerce, warfare, and industry, these immense beings are diverse in their interests and abilities and don’t seem to mind being associated with such mundane materials. After all, to compare a gold dragon to a gold coin is like comparing an ocean to a glass of water—though they may seem similar at first glance, the raw power, breadth, and grandeur of one simply overwhelms the other.
Shape-Changing Dragons
Some dragons can take humanoid form, allowing them to infiltrate settlements or influence others without revealing their true nature. They gain the following ability:
Change Shape (arcane, concentrate, polymorph, transmutation); The dragon takes on the appearance of any Small or Medium humanoid. This doesn’t change its Speed or attack and damage modifiers with its Strikes, but might change the damage type its Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).
Metallic Dragon Spellcasters
Each type of metallic dragon features a sidebar on spellcasting dragons of that kind. To make a metallic dragon spellcaster, remove the dragon’s Draconic Frenzy and Draconic Momentum abilities, and give it the spells outlined in its sidebar. You can swap out any number of these with other arcane spells, provided you keep the same number of spells for each level. You might also want to increase the dragon’s Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier by 1 or 2 to reflect its mastery of magic.
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