Psyched; Psychic Heroes in the Sundered Cosmos


Psychic Class

Source Dark Archive

Conscious Mind - Specific spells you learn come from your conscious mind, which shapes the raw psychic power from your subconscious into the forms and phenomena that you intentionally cast. You select your conscious mind at 1st level, and it determines the following.

Subconscious Mind - The core of how you cast spells comes from the subconscious portions of your mind. Because you cast spells using the power of your subconscious mind, you replace verbal components of spells with thought components. Thought components add the concentrate trait to the spell like verbal components do, but they don’t require you to speak.

Psychic Spellcasting 

You access the vast well of power that resides within your own mind, calling forth psychic magic with nothing but thought and will. You can cast occult spells using the Cast a Spell activity. You alter some of the standard spell components when casting spells you know from your psychic spellcasting. Instead of speaking, you substitute any verbal components with a special mental component determined by your subconscious mind class feature. This represents how you exert your mind toward your intended effect. Any of these components impart the concentrate trait to the spell you’re casting. You also substitute any material components with somatic components, though these tend to be simple movements of the hand or head compared to those used by other spellcasters. Your spells still have clear and noticeable visual and auditory manifestations, as normal for a spellcaster.

Each day, you can cast one 1st-level spell. You must know spells to cast them, and you learn them via the spell repertoire class feature. The number of spells you can cast each day is called your spell slots.

As you increase in level as a psychic, your number of spells per day increases, as does the highest level of spells you can cast. Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is determined by your subconscious mind, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use the modifier for the ability stated in your subconscious mind.

Psi Cantrips And Amps 

The magic of your mind manifests as psi cantrips, which you can modify by spending Focus Points. Like other cantrips, you can cast psi cantrips as often as you like, and they are automatically heightened to half your level rounded up. Your psi cantrips are in addition to the cantrips you choose from the occult list as part of your psychic spellcasting. Generally, only feats can give you more psi cantrips. Unlike other cantrips, you can’t swap out psi cantrips gained from psychic feats at a later level, unless you swap out the specific feat via retraining. At 1st level, you learn three psi cantrips determined by your choice of conscious mind; one is a unique psi cantrip and two are common cantrips, typically from the occult spellcasting tradition, that you always cast as psi cantrips. You automatically gain more psi cantrips as you progress in your career as a psychic.

You start with a focus pool of 2 Focus Points. However, unlike other spellcasters, you don’t gain focus spells that cost Focus Points to cast. Instead, you use your Focus Points to boost or modify your psi cantrips by applying amps— specialized thoughtforms that alter the expression of your psychic power. Each of your psi cantrips has a special amp heading. Whenever you cast a psi cantrip, you can amp it by spending 1 Focus Point to add the amp effect. You can also gain additional amps through feats, allowing you to substitute a psi cantrip’s normal amp effect for another one. You choose which amp to use, if you choose to use any, each time you cast a psi cantrip. Unless otherwise noted, you can apply only one amp to a given psi cantrip. You refill your focus pool during your daily preparations, and you can regain Focus Points by spending 10 minutes using the Refocus activity to explore your mind, whether via meditation, practicing a craft or activity that gives you the mental space to self-reflect, or talking through your thoughts and feelings with yourself or another. If you’ve spent Focus Points only to amp psi cantrips or fuel psychic abilities since the last time you Refocused, you regain 2 Focus Points when you Refocus, up to your maximum of 2. If you’ve spent Focus Points on focus spells or abilities other than those from the psychic class (for instance, to cast a focus spell you gained from an archetype), you regain only 1 Focus Point.
