Dragon Breath Feat 1
Source BZA: Dragons
You breathe in deeply and release the energy stored within you in a powerful exhalation. Your dragon breath is a 30-foot line, a 15-foot cone, or a 5-foot burst within 30 feet, depending on your heritage, and deals 2d4 damage of a type depending on your heritage. Each creature in the area must attempt a basic Reflex saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. If the damage type is poison, the saving throw is Fortitude, and if the damage type is mental, the saving throw is Will. You can't use this ability again for 10 minutes; starting at level 3, you instead can't use the ability again for 1d4 rounds. The damage increases by 1d4 at 5th level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 10d4 damage at 19th level.
Special If your breath weapon's damage type has a matching trait, your Dragon Breath action gains that trait. For example, if you are a red dragon, your Dragon Breath gains the fire trait.
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