Adapted from Enhanced Willpower- Superpower Wiki
Defense score increases cost one power point for one degree of increase. Peak-level defenses reflect a trained proficiency in those defenses. Expert and Master Profiencies grant Enhanced defenses These scores do not typically require power descriptors and are typically not removed with power removal traits.
Will defense is based on Wisdom rank. It measures mental stability, level-headedness, determination, self-confidence, self-awareness, and willpower, used to resist mental or spiritual attacks.
Enhanced Will
The ability to possess greater willpower than normal. Sub-power of Enhanced Wisdom.
The user has stronger willpower than normal, allowing them to carry on easier and be stronger in mind. Though this is not as powerful as Indomitable Will and has its limits, the user can still pull off some incredible feats via sheer force of will.
The difference between this and its stronger version is, that this level of willpower can be gained via mundane ways (like training, meditation, etc...) alone.
Certain shocking situations or users of Will Breaking can break willpower. Users are more susceptible to such situations than users of Indomitable Will.
There is a limit to one´s will.
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