Serving a Trope; Dwarven Warrior


Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 15

Unspecific Lore: DC 13

Specific Lore: DC 10

Dwarven Warrior   Officer 1





Dwarven Warriors are the most common front-line infantry of Dwarven holds, and form the overall bulk of most Dwarven armies.

Perception +6; darkvision

Languages Common, Dwarven

Skills Athletics +7, Intimidation +4, Survival +4

Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha +0

Items breastplate, Heavy Crossbow (10 Bolts), Dwarven Waraxe, Clan Dagger

AC 18; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +4

HP 23

Attack of Opportunity [reaction]

Harry Attackers [reaction] Dwarven warriors harass hostels attempting to attack their allies. When an adjacent creature attacks an ally, the Warrior impedes the attack imposing a -2 circumstance penalty to hit.

Speed 25 feet

Melee [one-action] Dwarven Waraxe +7 [+2/-3] ( sweep, Two-Hand d12), Damage 1d8+4 slashing

[one-action] Clan Dagger +7 [+3/-1] (agile, versatile B), Damage 1d4+4 Piercing

[one-action] fist +7 [+3/-1] (agile, nonlethal), Damage 1d4+4 bludgeoning

Ranged [one-action] Heavy Crossbow +5 [+0/-5] ( 120 feet), Damage 1d6 piercing
