The Quest for the Sky; The Khurghaz of Ravia

 Adapted from Dwarf- MTG Wiki, Dwarf - Pathfinder Wiki and Dwarf Ancestry- Archives of Nethys


The Khuraghz, or mountain dwarves of Khiz, live in fortresses built among mountain peaks.




Khuraghz dwarves live in fortresses built among the peaks of the world's mountains. They are the most militant dwarven culture, and frequently war against orcs and giants. They possess a strong cultural desire to relive the glory days of the Quest for the Sky, and are the likeliest dwarves to become adventurers.


Holtaksen are usually a few inches taller than other dwarves. Their pupils are larger than normal, and they have long hair that is often worn braided.


According to their own myths, the Khuraghz were wrought from the raw material of the Cosmos by the master of the Forge in ancient times and are to this day sometimes referred to as "Forge Children."

 They lived and worked in their forges and cities in Subterra, fighting against the orcs and goblinoid races, and among themselves, for eons.

Quest for Sky

Late in the Age of Darkness they followed the dictates of a prophet of Forgefire to leave their Subterran home and migrate to the surface, an event that would later be termed the Quest for Sky. This massive societal upheaval caused a terrible civil war between the clans that ground the migration to a halt until they were united under General Thaarghikh.

 With the Quest for Sky renewed, the dwarves inadvertently herded their ancient enemies, the orcs, before them, and finally emerged onto the surface.

 Once they established themselves, they built vast and magnificent fortified cities called Sky Citadels, and crowned Taargick the king of the newly established kingdom of Vendrarvor.


Khuraghz dwarves feel a strong need to relive the glory days of the Quest for Sky and are the most militant of the dwarven cultures, often warring against orcs and giants and stockpiling great stores of treasure won in battle. They are not foolhardy, however, and make use of hit-and-run tactics in enemy territory and complex defenses in their campaigns. They also feel a strong pull towards heroic quests, and it is rare to meet a mountain dwarf who has never been on an adventure at some point in their life.

Khuraghz clothing is mostly muted and dark, but every dwarf wears a piece of clothing, usually a scarf or bandanna, in bright colors matching their clan's traditional gemstones. This is referred to as a glory ribbon; if the dwarf dies in battle, their companions tear up the ribbon and weave it into their own clothing.
