Beyond the Threshold; Sense Manipulation

 Adapted from Sense Manipulation- Superpower Wiki

Sense Manipulation

The ability to manipulate a physical sense of oneself or others. Sub-power of Perception Manipulation. Variation of Body Manipulation.

Also Called


Sense Alteration

Sense Control

Sensory Manipulation


The user has complete control over the senses of oneself and others, including sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, balance, pain, etc, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them. They can enhance, reduce or remove them temporarily or permanently, protect them from being overwhelmed, cause the target to sense things that aren't there or prevent them from sensing things that are, cause/remove sensory ailments, etc.


Enhanced Senses

The power to possess extremely accurate senses.


May be limited to manipulating the senses of others or only themselves.

Users of Absolute Intelligence would possibly be able to defeat sense manipulation.

While some users may be able to create what feels like a wall, it is only in the target's mind.
