Sunday, February 11, 2024

Vidris, The Seraph of the Holy Vault


Vidris, a Seraph of the Holy Vault, is acting as a local emissary of the Church of the Holy Vault to the Cartographer's Guild in Aria. They have strikingly dark eyes and alabaster skin, clothed in gold-trimmed robes marked with the sign of the vault, the locked door. Vidris' magnificent white wings are accented with striking black-tipped feathers. Vidris possesses a sword of auric celestial steel and the scale of an assessor of the vault. 

Vidris values truth and reciprocity. The seraph believes the trade transaction is the foundation of law and morality; equivalent exchange informs all forms of interaction and cooperation. The wealthy are deserving of honor because their wealth is evidence of their industry and ambition. Vidris believes nothing can absolve a debt beyond repaying it. Death offers nothing that can excuse a debt to the seraph. The weight of one’s debts makes Undeath the natural consequence of leaving debts unresolved. Vidris contracts often result in debtors reawakening as undead creatures. As an officer of the Holy Vault, Vidris is able to mint Vault Halos, a particularly potent form of currency backed by the vault laws governing reciprocity. As per church tradition, Vidris uses the large gold coins to mark the establishment of contracts with employees and clients.  Vidris never lies; they neither volunteer the truth lightly. The angel is not a forthcoming honest envoy because they value truth; instead, the truth is a thing to be guarded and protected. Vidris hordes the truth, gathering information to be utilized judiciously to their benefit. 

The Scale of the Vault is the symbol of Vidris’ office. The golden scale possesses an aura similar to the seraph theirself, and it amplifies the envoy’s ability to detect deception. Vidris weighs their subject's intentions and motives with the scale during negotiations. The scale indicates deception and a hidden agenda; it also can betray Vidris’ inner thoughts by tipping and shifting in response to the angel’s inner opinions.

Vidris of the Scale   Courtier 12







Perception +25; Darkvision

Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; tongues

Skills  Acrobatics +22, Arcana +22, Crafting +22, Diplomacy +25, Intimidation +25, Occultism +22, Religion +25, Society +25, Legal Lore +22

Str +5, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +7

Aura of Vitality   20 feet. Allies in the Seraph's aura gain a +1 status bonus to all saving throws, resistance 10 to positive and negative damage, and are unharmed by the effects of a plane's positive and negative traits. Animals in the aura of 12th level or lower don't attack the Seraph or the Seraph's allies unless they are controlled or otherwise forced to attack.

Items +1 striking bastard sword, Scale of the Vault, 10 Vault Halos

AC 32; Fort +22, Ref +19, Will +25; +1 to all saves vs. magic

HP 219; Immunities  bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, negative energy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious;

Weaknesses Red 5, Green 5

Dispelling Field  (Divine, Transmutation)   Frequency once per day; Effect Vidris attempts to unravel unwelcome magic effects on allies within its aura of vitality to protect them from malevolent forces. The Seraph attempts a counteract check against as many spell effects affecting allies in the area as it wishes with a +25 counteract modifier and a counteract level of 5, rolling once for the selected effects.

Counter Charm  (Reaction) Trigger A creature Casts a Spell from the enchantment or illusion school. Effect Vidris' enchantments and illusions are so dominant that they can use them to counteract similar magic cast by others. When a foe casts an enchantment or illusion spell and Vidris can see its manifestations, they can use thier own innate magic to disrupt it.

Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft.

Melee  angelic sword +26 (white, black, magical, two-hand d12), Damage 3d8+12 slashing

Divine Innate Spells DC 32, attack +24; 6th Grey Shadow, Raise Dead; 5th divine wrath, remove curse, remove disease, remove fear; 4th create food, heal (×3); 2nd invisibility (at will; self only); 1st detect alignment (at will); Constant tongues

Occult Captivator Spells DC 29 , attack +21; 5th False Vision; 4th Compel True Name; 3rd Enthrall; 2nd Mind Games; 1st Bane; cantrips (6th) Daze, Invoke True Name

Divine Rituals DC 32; 6th Create Undead; 5th Planar Ally; 3rd Geas 1st angelic messenger

Vault Armaments (Divine, Transmutation)  When a Seraph of the Scale wields a weapon, that weapon gains the effect of a Deathdrinking rune.

Role in Murizara

Cartographer's Guild Liaison: Vidris represents the Holy Vault to the Cartographer's Guild, potentially collaborating with the guild on planar research or investigations 

Hidden Agenda: Despite their official role, Vidris might harbor a personal agenda related to the planar anomalies or the Holy Vault's interests. They could manipulate the players for their own ends, creating tense alliances and unexpected betrayals.

Influencing Vidris

Diplomatic Approach: The players emphasize their own commitment to justice and truth, aligning their goals with the Holy Vault's principles of fair exchange. They offer their skills and expertise to assist with retrieving the stolen crate, ensuring proper restitution is made.

Informative Approach: The players share their knowledge of the anomalies or the surrounding events, demonstrating their investigative skills and potential value as allies. They offer insights or deductions that may be beneficial to the Holy Vault's investigation.

Strategic Approach: The players propose a mutually beneficial arrangement, highlighting how their involvement could aid the Holy Vault in achieving its objectives beyond recovering the crate. They offer unique perspectives or skills that complement the Vault's resources.

Perception +25

Will +25

Discovery Perception DC 25,  Religion DC 22: Learn about the Holy Vault's history and principles. Arcana DC 24 Uncover clues about Vidris' personal agenda and potential manipulation. Society DC 20 Gauge Vidris' current mood and motivations through social cues.

Influence Skills Diplomacy (DC 25), Society (DC 23), Religion (DC 22)

Influence Thresholds 

Influence 4 Vidris has access to vast knowledge about the Holy Vault's history, artifacts, and planar activities. They can offer cryptic insights or limited information. They might provide a starting point for an investigation or a hint towards relevant lore. Vidris might offer the players enigmatic clues or veiled warnings, pushing them towards specific investigations or subtly influencing their choices.

Influence 6 Vidris shares limited information about their order's interest in the current situation. Vidris could be a valuable source, offering cryptic insights or access to restricted knowledge through the Cartographer's Guild.

Influence 8: Vidris offers a temporary alliance, entrusting the players with a specific task related to their agenda. This could involve retrieving missing information, securing artifacts, or neutralizing threats. Vidris offers the players a powerful artifact or knowledge in exchange for their assistance in retrieving a relic stolen from the Holy Vault by another plane jumper.


Deception: Vidris' keen intellect and the Scale of the Vault make them resistant to lies and deceit. Attempts to mislead them raise the Influence DC by +2.

Personal Gain: Vidris prioritizes upholding the Holy Vault's principles and upholding bargains. Offers focused solely on personal gain are ineffective.


Equity: Appeals to fairness and a just exchange resonate with Vidris. Demonstrating a willingness to uphold fair contracts or fulfill legitimate debts grants a +2 bonus to Influence checks.

Mutual Benefit: Highlighting how cooperation aligns with the Holy Vault's long-term goals or benefits its interests can sway Vidris. Providing evidence of potential mutual benefits grants a +1 bonus.

The Burden of a Halo 

As the Vault’s representative in Aria, Vidris will seek to acquire “clients” for the eternal bank. Clients marked by the exchange of Vault Halos. The Holy Vault trades in favor; favor both literally and symbolically represented in the exchange of the golden Vault Halo. The Vault Halo is a large golden coin a quarter of an inch thick and two inches in diameter; the coins have a half-inch hole in the center. The head side of the coin depicts the locked vault door, and the tail side depicts the scale of commerce. The outer edge of the coin is etched in celestial script. “This token, bought at great price, may be exchanged for weighty favor from the great vault” The acceptance of a Vault Halo reveals the true name of the recipient to the mintor. After the acceptance of a Vault Halo more celestial script appears on the inner edge binding the recipient by their true name to the grantor. Members of the Holy Vault will grant any favor within their power in exchange for a Vault Halo.


Vidris prefers to avoid combat and views the destruction wrought from violent conflict as wasteful. They will use their aura of vitality to protect their allies and their dispelling field to remove harmful magic effects. If pressed into melee combat, they will use their Vault armaments ability to make their attacks more potent.


Vidris was sent to Aria to discover more about the nation’s Manacore constructs. The Holy Vault believes they can take advantage of the uncommon construct creatures to further their agenda. Vidris has established a network of agents and informants in Aria that keeps tem appraised of the progress of the ascending Ravian nation.

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