Adapted from Light Manipulation- Superpower Wiki
Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there is a way to combine them in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability to describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.
Light Manipulation
The power to manipulate light. Variation of Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation.
Users can create, shape and manipulate visible light, called light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.
The primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization. Its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second/186,000 MPS) is one of nature's fundamental constants. As with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), visible light is experimentally found to always move at this speed in a vacuum.
In common with all types of EMR, visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.
Invisibility- The power to render oneself unable to be seen.
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