Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Feeling Frogy ; Tribbit


Adapted From- Tribbitites- Marvel Database

Marvel’s Tribbitites are a reptilian toad species that have functioned as an underdeveloped invader species for a handful of Incredible Hulk one-offs. This adaption makes the species consistently amphibian. The species' home world suffered an ecological collapse several hundreds of years ago. They have primarily relocated into a salvaged Kree space station as they search for a new planet to colonize.

Alien: Tribbit Power Origin

An amphibious extraterrestrial species that has invaded M616 Earth and been repelled by Bruce Banner/ Hulk several times. Tribbits prefer warm, humid conditions and look like humanoid frogs. They possess a smaller stature than humans and have powerful jumping legs.


Alien Heritage, Amphibious, Extreme Appearance


Free Running, Small 


Jump 1, Wallcrawling


Attempt to invade Earth

The Tribbits once attempted to invade the planet Earth. To gauge Earth's technological capacity, they used their magnetic devices to seek out and abduct the planet's most accredited scientific mind, in this case, Bruce Banner.

They tried to threaten Banner to relinquish information about Earth's technology, but Banner refused. Before they could take further action, however, Banner had transformed into the incredible Hulk. The Hulk disarmed several Tribbits and took control of their capital ship. As he veered the ship further into Earth's atmosphere, the U.S. military shot it down. When they boarded the remains of the ship, however, they did not find the Hulk but the shaken form of Bruce Banner. Several Tribbits on board escaped capture and sent a signal flare alerting the King to mount a full-scale invasion. The King used magnetic technology to disrupt the orbit of Earth's moon. Almost instantly, Earth began to feel the effects as the planet was gripped by earthquakes and giant tidal waves. The Tribbit fleet then began their assault. The invasion was soon repelled, but it was not the power of the Hulk that stopped them, but rather the brain of Bruce Banner. Banner used the massive power of his Gamma Gun to reverse the magnetic polarity of the entire Tribbit fleet, forcing them back into outer space. With the fleet no longer a threat, Earth's moon corrected its orbit, and the crisis passed.

The Wounding of Tribbit

They reappeared, coercing the Hulk into capturing the Shaper of Worlds. After the Shaper was captured, the Hulk returned, causing significant damage to the machines that ran the Tribbit. homeworld


The Tribbitites and their leader Toadius V, later appear as inhabitants of Weirdworld. They were among the species recruited by Black Knight in preparation for the arrival of the invading Avengers Unity Division.


Gravity 130% Earth standard

Atmosphere 73% nitrogen; 23% oxygen

Population 5.2 Billion


Advanced Technology: The Tribbits possess advanced technology greatly superior to Earth's. Their most significant accomplishment is their mastery of electromagnetic forces. The Tribbitites have weaponized electromagnetic power and created a variety of devices and armaments, including magnetic grapplers, magnetic mind detectors, Gauss Projectors, magnetic repulsion rays, magnetic flares, etc.

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