Pins and Needles; Shisk

 Adapted From- Shisk- Archives of Nethys; Shisk- Pathfinder Wiki

Characters that derive their powers from their alien heritages are relatively common in superhero stories.  These characters typically exist as unique due to their alien heritages. There is a risk in that. These heroes may not feel as super when they exist in their native cultures. 

In my home, one of my players wanted to play a hero with Porcupine powers. We built Quill to fill that role. Quill grows spines from his hair follicles and looks very distinctly not human. I know the table consensus is that Quill is a mutant, but I have been guarded about revealing the origin of his unique physical traits.

Shisk Template


The Shisk are a people who developed quills that covered their bodies. Their earliest settlements were carved into mountains. They have incorporated their physical characteristics into several rich cultures.

Shisk Traits


The Shisk’s most readily observable trait is their quills; they grow from follicles on the shisks’ outer arms, legs, cheeks, crown, shoulders, and back. These quills can be fiercely sharp and are a natural deterrent to physical attacks. 

A thin layer of muscle attached to the shisk's dermis allows it to flex and brace its quills or relax to allow them to lie along its body. This dermal superstructure also grants the shisk the ability to propel its quills several meters.

Innate Shisk Powers

Optional Shisk Powers

Enhanced Senses

Some conditions that influenced the development of the shisk’s quills also triggered sensory sensitivities in the shisk. Their eyes function under lower light conditions and their olfactory nerves are more sensitive to smells.

Innate Shisk Powers

Optional Shisk Powers


While shisk communities are as varied as multiverse certain biological factors influence a few trends in Shisk cultures as they grow and develop. 

Quills can carry a level of attachment similar to locks of hair among humans. Writing and the composition of arts and crafts with an individuals quill conotates a deeper connection with the artist. Shisk wedding ceremonies typically culminate with each participant receiving a piercing with their mate’s quill. Courting couples frequently exchange quills with witch they write correspondence to each other. “Writng with one’s own quill” is an insult hurled at spinsters and lonely hearts; the phrase also catches use as a euphamisim for other unsavory activities.

Their quilled bodies impact the adoption of clothing where shisk tend to prefer open backed tops and avoid pant legs. Early shisk societies tend to flourish primarily in tropical climates. Pull over fabric garments don’t typical find frequent use in shisk populations; they favor clothing that opens in the front for donning and doffing, that is robes, skirts, and shirts. 

The shisk’s inherent access to natural projectile weapons typically delays their adoption of ranged weapon technologies by a generation or two. Armor technology usually out paces these developments in every tech level.

Tech level zero and one shisk cultures have integrated their quill projection abilities into their hunting practices and military tactics. These societies are also frequently early adopters of wicker and hide shields. 

In tech level two shisk cultures, the use of their natural quill weapons are deliniated along class lines. The ruling classes typically adopt armors that negate the effectiveness of projectile quills from all but the most skilled skirmishers. Peasant class soldiers conscripted into middle age armys are left unprotected and resentful to quill skirmishing formations.

Class associations with quills are further compounded in tech level three shisk cultures. Fighting with one’s quills is considered primal and uncouth, therefore unfitting an educated society. Middle to Upper class shisk often take to preemptively removing their quills so they may enjoy the texture of delicate fabrics in their clothing. Well groomed quills are considered the mark of sophistication.

Quill grooming expectations carry though into tech level four shisk cultures. Where quills as military implements are rendered ineffective on the industrialized battlefield, using one’s quills in an otherwise fair fight is considered dirty fighting on par with hair-pulling, eye-gouging and biting.

By tech level five, shisk cultures have developed procedure that carturize quill follicles and prevent them from growing new spines. Certain hipster shisk have regressed to wearing their quills in unkempt tangles around the crown, cheeks, and chin of their heads.

In tech level six and beyond shisk cultures, all manners along the quill grooming spectrum are considered acceptable. New options in coloring and shaping quills are available on the genetic level.

Shisk Cultures

Galor (P19)

The Shisks of Galor developed into an insular people native to certain mountainous regions. Their cities developed from underground settlements in the caves and tunnels within the mountains. Galoran Shisks value strange and rare knowledge, which they feel the need to protect. Indeed, their seeking new knowledge is likely the reason for any rare meeting with a shisk in the outside world.
