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Zombie Form Power Array 2
The power to use the abilities and traits of zombies. Variation of Undead Physiology.
The user either is or can transform into a zombie, an animated corpse brought back to life by various means, such as dark magic. The user's body is dead, possibly decomposing, and lacking most physical needs and weaknesses.
The skin color of zombies can also vary widely, ranging from greens to blues, grays, and even other colors. Their gait can also differ, from limping to sliding their feet on the ground to having the iconic "arms outward" stance.
There are several variations of zombies, mostly defined by how they are made:
Type C: Construct. Similar to Frankenstein's Monster, this is the zombie you get when attempting to reanimate somebody/bodies from the dead — With Science, For Science! — causing them to come back wrong. If they go berserk, the good news is that they have an almost zero chance of spreading zombification and creating a zombie apocalypse.
Type F: Flesh-Eating. Zombies that eats the skin, flesh and the organs of other living beings, typically turning them into zombies — which makes them a lot like a ghoul. It can be combined with Type V or P.
Type P: Plague-Bearing. Created by a virus or, occasionally a machine. These zombies are guaranteed to cause others to become zombies due to highly contagious viruses or nanobots. Commonly always merged with Type F. Often technically living zombies.
Type PS: Parasite. A subtype of Type P. These zombies are created specifically via exposure to a form of parasitic life-form, be it the only stage or part of a series of mutations.
Type R: Revenant. An older variety, originating in European folklore, is less prone to rotting and falling apart and retains intelligence and memories of its previous life. They are driven by a purpose, being vengeance or true love, driven by a desire so strong it can overcome even death. While conceptually ancient and the prototype from which much other undead derive, the Revenant has fallen out of favor with more modern breeds of zombie and the bloodsucking vampire.
Type RA: Radioactive. Zombies of this type are born from radiation of various kinds, especially if they're born from reactor meltdowns, criticality accidents, radiation leakages, orphan sources, and among other possible nuclear accidents. These zombies take the fear of radiation to an extreme. Not only do they keep the attributes of zombies, but what makes them more dangerous is that they have radiation pulsating and emitting from them. Being within their proximity will cause radiation sickness depending on how severe the doses are. However, as long as the opponents keep their distance, advantage alone can outmatch them.
Type V: Voodoo. Zombies of this type are the cursed remains of individuals brought back to life by a bokor to do their bidding. Thus, they are the servants who have been separated from their souls, becoming completely enthralled to the bokor as a result. See Voodoo Zombie Physiology for more details.
Defunct Physiology
Zombies no longer live and are not subject to the frailties of living beings.
Pain Suppression
Composed of dead tissue, the zombie’s body can be denser and more resistant to damage than its living form
Zombie Undead 2
STR 2, AGI -1, FGT 1, AWR -1, STA -, DEX -1, INT 0, PRE 0
Dodge -1; Fortitude Immune; Parry 1;Toughness 0 ; Will Mindless
Zombie Form
Zombies do not live instead they are animated by a mysterious force
Pain Suppression
Composed of dead tissue, the zombie’s body can be denser and more resistant to damage than its living form
Protection 0.
Defunct Physiology
Zombies no longer live and are not subject to the frailties of living beings. Immunity to Fortitude Effects 30
Mindless: Zombies are unable to form independent thoughts and can only act under the direction of a commander.
Defunct Physiology: Zombie bodies do not heal naturally
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