Through the secret passage from the defender's ascent the party finds this hidden stash of materials protected by particularly cruel magic
Cultegsu's Vault, West
While the flow of materials from the surface is a critical component of Ber'carxi's economy, the principal benefit for conducting defensive tours on the surface level is access to these materials. Easily most of this material is circulated among craftsmen and vendors in the Ber'carxi Corridor. Cultegsu has been able to leverage his disproportionate access to the surface to generate a higher degree of wealth than most of the Green-Eyed cultists. This room is where he typically stored some of the rarer goods to have come within the reach of the Temple of the Leaping Oracle.
This mostly empty room has huge runes carved on the Southern Wall and a geometric pattern of Triangles and Hexagons engraved into the coral structure.
North Entry (Secret)
A stone relief of a lighthouse (DC 15 to locate, Hardness 15; 60 hp) pressing the central window of the lighthouse opens the panel. Opening the panel will trigger a Gripilli Spear Trap (DC 20 to spot, 14 to Disable, +13 Melee Strike, 1d6+3 Piercing with Spear Frog Poison)
East Entry
A fountain of water sits in an alcove here; a DC 10 Perception check reveals the space opens into a room beyond
Hazard 2
The southern wall is covered in large Aquan Runes, "bīrshang - Unwelcome," These foreboding runes have water flowing inside them. Psychic whispers emanate from the runes, driving those that hear them mad.
Searching the crates along the Northern wall yields 13 GP in Silver Chunks, the crates on the western side hold 10 GP in cold iron chunks
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