D23: Room 1-2 The Temple of the Leaping Oracle; Northeast Parapet

Northeast Parapet (Severe 1)

A narrow ledge runs along the south and west walls, and a winding stair in the northeast corner of the room leads to a crenelated roof the Gripilli Cultists have been using as a lookout. Various insect shells are scattered throughout the room


West Entry

An open Door Frame leads to a corridor that connects to the Temple Entryway

South Entry

Locked Stone Door (DC 15 to open, Hardness 15 (BT 30) 60 hp) with a gripilli spear trap Leads to the Watch Officer's Mess.


A grippli scout. (Perception +6, Stealth +9; Bestiary 2 pg. 139) is positioned at the west entry. If adventurers are not trying to sneak up the dusty corridor, the scout will hurl a dart a the lead trespasser when the get within 20 ft and then duck into the room. A grippili archer (Perception +10, Stealth +13; Pathfinder #146: Cult of Cinders pg. 87) is also in the parapet. When the Scout initiates combat, the Archer ready an attack against the first creature to appear in the western entry. If the archer determines they are outnumbered, they scramble to a signal bell on the roof. If they activate the alarm, the roving guard squad on this level arrives in 1d4 rounds to reinforce them (provided they were not killed earlier).


An Everburning Torch provides light to this room. The signal bell on the roof is a gorgeously crafted bronze bell inlaid with lapis bands carved with an Aquan Script the artifact is worth about 12 GP. ɥirā ân jeng zhuy zhuyûnuē (The Watch Protects the Earth While the Giant Sleeps)
