The second level of the Temple of the Leaping Oracle is divided into the Settlement of Beg'Carxi and a Labyrinth of rooms that connect to the sanctum below.
Sanctum's Decent
the Decent is the primary passage to the sanctum below. Even the Green-Eyed Prophecy restricts access to the floor below to the most trusted of their order.
A well-lit room west of Beg'Carxi is arrayed with vestment cabinets that once held the regalia of the order sworn to protect the secret hidden under the temple. The Stairwell down is flanked by statues of Marianan warriors.
North Entry
Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Hardness 10 40 hp)
Central Stairwell
a winding stair in the Southwest corner of the room leads to a crenelated roof the Upach Cultists have been using as a lookout.
East Entry
Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (Hardness 10 40 hp)
Southeast Entry
Wooden Portcullis (Hardness 10 40 hp) DC 20 to Lift
South Entry Secret, Locked
A stone panel covered in a glass mosaic of a wave crashing over a jungle (DC 25 to find) tracing the wave with your finger reveals a keyhole and Locked Stone Door (DC 25 to open, Hardness 15; 60 hp)
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