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“I pass to you all we have ever been. Go forth and become all we never could.” |
Genealogy Mask Item 1
Price 10 gp
Usage worn; Bulk L
Access Xha˩˥ffi Tribe
These large masks are forged of precious metals or carved of wood and tasked with guarding the history of a family.
Activate command; Frequency once per day; Effect You ask the mask about the deeds of a particular ancestor, and the mask speaks for 10 minutes, recalling the tales it knows about that ancestor. The mask is limited by what information a particular ancestor shared with it. Characters receive a +2 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge checks related to this ancestor for the next day.
Typically a mask restricts its recitations to members of its patron family; a DC 11 diplomacy check can improve a character’s standing with the mask, as it is convinced it can influence the character to return the mask to its ancestral line. As a character proves unwilling to return the mask, it becomes increasingly unwilling to divulge its knowledge and the DC of this check will rise.
Returning a lost genealogy mask to its family would be considered a major favor to that clan; destroying or selling one would be a major disservice. Wearing another family's Genealogy Mask in front of Xha˩˥ffi elves is taboo.
Wardens of Lost Blood
Genealogy Masks are the active component for the creation of large magical constructs that become honored entities in Xha˩˥ffi culture. When the last member of a Genealogical line dies, their mask is built into a Warden of Lost Blood. The being of gestalt experience becomes a trusted advisor to tribal leadership that generally acts also as a fierce defender should the Xha˩˥ffi come under attack. Even less cooperative Ancestral lines are revered in their Warden form as repositories of lost wisdom.
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