As a Game Master, I get frustrated when my players fail Gather Information and Recall Knowlege checks that would help them to make narrative progress. Without fail, my group remembers the information they earn better than the information they are given. Early-game magical items can be a way I can make these checks more reliable for the party without resorting to lore dumps.
While not directly tied to these information-gathering actions, the Flask of Fellowship can make these checks easier by improving your standing in a settlement. This 2nd level magic Item will have your player’s seeking out opportunities to engage with NPC as a source of game lore. They will engage in role-play and feel like they are getting one over on the GM at the same time.
Flask of Fellowship Item 2
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 184 1.1
Flask Devotion The magic of the flask is drawn from white's unifying urge for community and Green’s desire for harmony
Price 25 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk L
This is a metal drinking flask, 4 inches in diameter and 10 inches tall. Its screw top is covered by four simple metal cups that nest together.
Activate Make an Impression; Effect If you share drinks from a flask of fellowship as part of your Make an Impression action, the drink that pours from the flask happens to be exactly what the target of your efforts would most like to have a dram or two of—wine, spirits, hot ginger tea, or ice cold water with lemon, for example. You gain a +1 item bonus on your Diplomacy check.
The GM can disallow the flask's use if it doesn't make sense in the moment for you to pull out a flask and start pouring if drinks are inappropriate for the occasion, or if your target is absolutely not interested in sharing a drink with you. Drinks from the flask of fellowship are entirely social; they won't intoxicate anyone nor alleviate serious thirst.
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