Spend Your Loot on Weapon Potency Runes

 The first weapon improvement available to Player Characters, a +1 Potency Rune may be the first thing a PC buys after their first quest. This rune is also the gateway to more exotic improvements. The ubiquity of Potency Runes also makes them a good candidate for the Tacit Trait.

Normally elements that have devotion traits are fully affected by all of their devotion traits. The Tacit trait allows those elements to only be affected by certain devotion traits. Some Elements have rules that help determine which devotion traits apply to specific instances of that element; some elements have very fluid devotions that can shift several times during an encounter.

Weapon Potency Rune    Rune 2+









Source Core Rulebook pg. 581 4.0

Rune Devotion The Crafter of a Weapon Potency Rune, determines its Devotion. The crafter can infuse a Tacit Rune with any devotion trait they possess

Usage etched onto a weapon

Magical enhancements make this weapon strike true. Attack rolls with this weapon gain a +1 item bonus, and the weapon can be etched with one property rune.

You can upgrade the weapon potency rune already etched on a weapon to a stronger version, increasing the values of the existing rune to those of the new rune. You must have the formula of the stronger rune to do so, and the Price of the upgrade is the difference between the two runes’ Prices.

 Weapon Potency (+1) Rune 2

Price 35 GP

Craft Requirements You are an expert in Crafting.

Weapon Potency (+2) Rune 10

Price 935 GP

The item bonus to attack rolls is +2, and the weapon can be etched with two property runes.

Craft Requirements You are a master in Crafting.

Weapon Potency (+3) Rune 16

Price 8,935 GP

The item bonus to attack rolls is +3, and the weapon can be etched with three property runes.

Craft Requirements You are legendary in Crafting.

Rune Traits

Tacit Creatures, Spells, or Objects with the Tacit tag can be treated as one or more of their Devotion tags instead of all.
