The classic spike trap is and evocative component of trapped dungeons; players expect them don’t disappoint.
Hidden Spikes Hazard 1
Source The Star Tide
Stealth DC 13 (trained)
Description Sharpened metal rods, studded with sharp spikes, shoot out of the floor and drive into the ceiling, skewering anyone standing in front of them.
Disable Thievery DC 18 (trained) inactivates the release mechanism or DC 15 Arcana (trained) check to discern the door’s logic- it depicts the locations of several celestial objects at a precise time of the year. Each of the objects is marked with a small arcane rune.
Complexity Complex
AC 15; Fort +4 Ref +2
Hardness 5 HP 20 (BT 10) Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage
(Reaction) Skewer (attack); Trigger The door is forced open or if it is opened incorrectly Effect Metal spikes rise from the floor and skewer all creatures adjacent to the door.
Melee spike +13, Damage 2d6+4 piercing; no multiple attack penalty.
Reset: The trap resets if the astral compass is taken from the Reliquary (Room 9).
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