Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Marching From the Falling Star; Statue Dart Trap


Statue Dart Trap Hazard 1

Source The Star Tide

Stealth DC 17 (trained) 

Description Dozens of darts launch from hidden mechanisms in the statues. 

Disable Thievery DC 17 (trained) deactivates the mechanism.

Complexity Simple

AC  16; Fort  +8 Ref  +2 

Hardness  5 HP  24 (BT 12) Immunities critical hits, object immunities, precision damage

(reaction) Dart (attack); Trigger A small or larger object passes within 20 ft. in front of the statue. Effect Dart launch from hidden compartments on the statues.

Ranged dart +8, Damage 1d6+4; no multiple attack penalty

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