Spell Check; Detect Magic


Detect Magic  Cantrip 1




Source Core Rulebook 

Traditions Arcane Divine, occult, Primal

Area 30-foot emanation

You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. You receive no information beyond the presence or absence of magic. You can choose to ignore magic you're fully aware of, such as the magic items and ongoing spells of you and your allies.
You detect illusion magic only if that magic's effect has a lower level than the level of your detect magic spell. However, items with an illusion aura but aren't deceptive in appearance (such as an invisibility potion) are typically detected normally.

Heightened (3rd) You learn the school of magic for the highest-level effect within range that the spell detects. If multiple effects are equally strong, the GM determines which you learn.

Heightened (4th) As 3rd level, but you also pinpoint the source of the highest-level magic. Like for an imprecise sense, you don't learn the exact location, but can narrow down the source to within a 5-foot cube (or the nearest if larger than that).

Psychic Detect Magic

You have the kind of fine control that other spellcasters can only dream of. When you cast detect magic, you're aware of any creature in the emanation affected by a spell or carrying a magic item, and you determine the main location of magic within any magical hazard in the emanation. This typically manifests as an alteration to your vision, such as seeing a soft aura around the creature or hazard. Sensing these phenomena doesn't make it clear which spell is on a creature, nor which of its items are magical. Your detect magic also gains the following amp.


Your pulse of detection magic helps you gain a sense of nearby magic's strengths or weaknesses. When you detect the presence of magic on an enemy or hazard, you gain a +1 status bonus to saves against magic originating from that enemy or hazard for 3 rounds. If you find magic from multiple sources with a single casting of detect magic, you get the bonus against all of them.

Amp Heightened The status bonus to saves against magic increases to +2.
