Guidance Cantrip 1
Source Core Rulebook
Duration until the start of your next turn
You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends.
The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, the target is then temporarily immune for 1 hour.
Psychic Guidance
You have eyes everywhere, allowing you to guide people from a great distance. The range of guidance increases to 120 feet. It also gains the following amp.
You can project a flash of insight to your ally in the nick of time to save them from failure. Amped guidance doesn't cause a creature to become temporarily immune to guidance, and a creature can be targeted by amped guidance even if it is temporarily immune to guidance. You can cast an amped guidance spell as a reaction triggered when your ally fails or critically fails an attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check, and the bonus from guidance would change the failure to a success or the critical failure to a normal failure. The bonus from guidance applies retroactively to their check.
Amp Heightened (6th) The bonus from the spell increases to +2.
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