Sunday, May 21, 2023

Marching From The Fallen Star; Conclave of the Seed

 Adapted From- The Star Tide

The Conclave of the Seed is a green-aligned faction that comprises rangers, druids, and worshippers of nature. They form a loose affiliation of individuals who feel a deep connection to the natural world and prioritize its well-being. Members of the Conclave are more comfortable in the untamed wilderness than in bustling cities, and they hold a profound care for both forests and urban environments, striving to maintain the delicate balance between nature and civilization.

The agents of the Conclave embody the ideal of protecting and preserving nature. They are dedicated to maintaining the ecological equilibrium, thwarting forces that would harm or exploit the natural world. This faction appeals to adventurers who share a passion for environmental stewardship, valuing the freedom and solace found in untamed lands while actively safeguarding them from harm.

Recall Knowledge - (Society ) DC 25; Unspecific Lore DC 23; Specific Lore DC 20

Conclave of the Seed    Faction 20




Exploration Charter

The Conclave acts as vigilant guardians of the natural order, often being the first to detect and respond to threats that endanger the harmony of the environment. Through their intimate knowledge of the land and their communication networks, they swiftly share information about such threats with one another. This allows them to mobilize their allies and seek aid from adventurers to address these dangers discreetly and efficiently, preventing widespread awareness or disruption in the larger world.

Organization Benefits

Organization benefits are companions, equipment, and feats that become available by building your reputation with the Conclave.

Boons of the Conclave

These Boons represent feats and equipment characters can spend favor on as they build reputation with the Conclave







Uncommon Order Items




1 Favor

Order Hirelings




1 Favor

Uncommon Order Formulae




2 Favor

Uncommon Order Spells


Spell Access


2 Favor

Expert Companions




3 Favor

What the Conclave Knows:

There are reports of a fearsome armada searching the ocean. This well-organized band of dangerous marauders fly the flag of Litlec: a militant nation of raiders from the frozen seas in the north. They’ve been seen operating around Kitelecker and as far out as Siezut. Reports have come in of fishermen and merchants that have come under attack by the Litlec reavers with no provocation.

Enemies of the Conclave

The Conclave will expend greater resources to go after enemies based on how much venom those adversaries have earned. Disliked characters can expect up to Moderate encounters with Conclave Patrols when they travel in faction territory.  Hated characters can expect up to Severe encounters with Conclave Patrols when they travel in faction territory. The Conclave will pursue Hunted foes across the frontier with up to Extreme encounters with Faction soldiers or bounty hunters.

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