Trusted counselors of the court, advisors whisper words of guidance in the ears of those in power. Many nobles lean so heavily on their counsel that they make few decisions without them and insist on their attendance at all meetings and public events. Advisors are often master manipulators, and their guidance can shape a barony or even a kingdom—for good or ill.
Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 20
Unspecific Lore: DC 18
Specific Lore: DC 15
Perception +14
Languages Common
Skills HP 56
Speed 25 feet
Advisor, Courtier 5
Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 207
Perception +14;
Languages Common
Skills Deception +15, Diplomacy +15, Legal Lore +11, Occultism +9, Performance +11, Society +11
Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +4
Placate An advisor is well versed in soothing agitated nobles. Their calming voice gives them a +2 circumstance bonus to Deception and Diplomacy checks when dealing with members of the nobility.
Items dagger (2), fine clothes, minor healing potion, small harp, whip
AC AC 21; Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +15
HP 56
Speed 25 feet,
Melee whip +11 [+6/+1] (disarm, finesse, nonlethal, reach, trip), Damage 1d4+2 slashing
Ranged dagger +11 [+7/+3] (agile, thrown 10 feet, versatile S), Damage 1d4+2 piercing
Occult Spontaneous Spells DC 22, attack +13; 3rd mind reading, soothe, zone of truth (2 slots); 2nd augury, restoration, soothe, touch of idiocy (3 slots); 1st charm, mage armor, magic missile, soothe; Cantrips (3rd) chill touch, daze, light, prestidigitation, shield (3 slots)
Bard Composition Spells DC 22, 1 Focus Point; 3rd counter performance; Cantrips (3rd) inspire competence, inspire courage, inspire defense
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