Sailing From the Fallen Star; Nest Raid


Two giant monitor lizards hiss at the characters from the nearby foliage. Disturbed by the intrusion, the mated pair takes a defensive position around their eggs, which block the most direct path through the jungle. 

Nest Raid Moderate Combat 2

The lizards attack any character who approaches within 15 ft. A DC 21 Nature check or any character with Wild Empathy can deduce from the lizard’s behavior, they are agitated by a nearby Viper swarm that threatens their eggs.

Encounter Resolution


If the characters circumvent the lizards or subdue them by other means without allow-ing the male lizard to lead them past, they do not find the corpse of the drow, and instead encounter the swarm of snakes.


If the players dispatch or disperse the snakes, the male lizard allows the characters to pass without confrontation, provided no one disturbs their eggs. The lizard will lead them through the underbrush to an area beneath an overhang at the base of the volcano. From here they can continue to a rocky crag and continue their journey. The broken skeleton of some unlucky elf lays in rocks at the base of the crag. With a successful DC 17 Medicine check, a character can determine that the elf was a drow who fell from some considerable distance. On the elf’s body, a character finds a scroll case containing the following spell scrolls: comprehend language, heal, illusory disguise, unseen servant, and invisibility. Additionally, a Low-Grade striking Nightforged short sword lays underneath the corpse, wedged between the rocks. The stark angle has prevented sunlight from reaching the metal, and the magical nature of the sword has kept rust from developing. 
