Putting Magic Flavor on the Table; Forests


Forest Region

Terrain Forest


There are no shortages in natural resources or wonders to bolster your citizens' imagination and mood in a kingdom established in a forested region

Kingdom Ability Boost - Culture

Tapping a Forest



Prerequisites You are occupying a forest hexes and possess both a Hero Point and Green Devotion

Action Cost 1 Hero Point

You channel primal energy from the Surging and waning of life under the forest's canopy, manifesting as a green aura that is directed into one of three effects. 

The forest manifests the effect at the end of the actions needed for the desired effect.

  • You recover an expended spell slot this slot can only cast a spell with the Green devotion trait

  • Calm a hostile creature

  • you surge with the essence of the land; until the end of your next turn you are one size category larger and you receive a +1 circumstance bonus on Strength and Constitution checks.
