Denizens of Asa; Asan Poacher

  Adapted from Poacher NPC- Archives of Nethys

Asan Poacher Forester 2





Some of the wild places of the Sector are protected by kings, others only by wild things. Laws against hunting may protect private reserves or guard the viability of animal populations of shared forests during specific seasons. Poachers violate those laws—sometimes out of greed, desperation, and sometimes for sport. Although penalties against poaching often include public shaming (see Penalties for Poaching), in lean times a successful poacher is a local hero.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 16

Unspecific Lore: DC 14

Specific Lore: DC 11

Perception +9

Languages Common

Skills Crafting +4, Deception +4, Nature +7, Stealth +8, Survival +7

Str +2, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +0

Forager While using Survival to Subsist, if the hunter rolls a failure or a critical failure, they get a success instead. If the hunter rolls a success, they can provide food for 4 additional creatures that eat about as much as a human, or 8 creatures on a critical success.

Snare Crafting The poacher can use the Crafting skill to create the following snares: alarm snare, hampering snare, marking snare, and signaling snare. The poacher can create four snares each day without paying for the materials, using 3 Interact actions to set up each snare.

Items club, Hunting Rifle (20 Rounds), Tempweave Suit, snare kit
