Adapted from Reality Warping Superpower Wiki
Reality Warping
The power to manipulate reality. Form/Expression of Nigh-Omnipotence.
Domination Over the World of Experience
Reality Alteration/Bending/Control/Distortion/Manipuation/Overwrite/Rewrite
While it's difficult to accurately define reality due to different interpretations by different people for this article we will consider reality as everything that actually exists or is considered real. From physical matter to the laws of nature (gravity, space-time, energy, entropy, etc.) to even abstract ideas such as emotions and logic they can all be considered real and a part of reality. Reality warping is the ability to change, create, or even destroy parts of or the entirety of reality.
Depending on the setting this power functions differently, but in general it works on the principle that the user rearranges the very structure of reality to suit their desire. Users can easily change reality to achieve a variety of different results such as turning the sky to ice cream or turn the universe to a pancake. At it's most powerful users can literally do anything no matter how impossible it seems. Due to the endless possibilities and limitless potential it gives the user it is one of the most powerful superpowers.
Reality Warping is a general term for characters to manipulate reality; they can utilize anything from matter and energy due to their interconnectivity with the layers of reality, potent cosmos, psychic powers, space-time continuum, overwhelming emotions, dreams, imagination, and fundamental forces. The most common (as well as the most powerful and pure) variant of reality warping is Mentifery, the power to manipulate reality through the power of the mind. These two superpowers are often indistinguishable, both wielding the same properties and control, except Mentifery possesses raw power and enormous potential due to being fueled by the mind, considered the most powerful concept or source in the universe to its complexity and mysterious nature. Users can materialize their imagination, thoughts, dreams, or mind into the material world and shape them to shift reality according to their willpower. The main limitations of reality warping are an advanced variation of the superpower or understanding the sophistication of reality itself; everything requires understanding to be used effectively.
At basic or advanced levels, the user can manifest their imagination (beings or objects) into reality, generating corporeal forms of their role models, superpowers, families, pets, to fantasy, bend reality to cause only beneficial events to happen only to the user, denying the laws of physics, or re-editing their current condition to achieve godhood. At master or ultimate scale, the user overrides anything tangible on a large scale, shaping massive quantities of planets, stars, or galaxies into any form the user desires, manipulating the laws of physics that they can only benefit from or make beings suffer from their renewed laws, or warping the universe akin to photo editing. Due to reality warping's potential, the user can manipulate the universe, multiverse, omniverse, possible totality, and even anything that doesn't possess a tangible form or is nonexistent.
Life Manipulation
The power to manipulate life.
The ability to redefine the properties of existing entities.
Space-Time Manipulation
The ability to redefine the properties of existing entities.
Superpower Manipulation
The ability to redefine the properties of existing entities.
May be negated by Omni-Negation, Reality Alteration Negation, Reality/Conceptual Anchoring and Reality Separation.
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