Adapted from Peak Human Dexterity- Superpower Wiki
Ability score increases cost two power points for one degree of increase. Peak-level abilities represent the natural limit of these abilities. Peak-level abilities apply only to scores of one to three. These scores do not typically require power descriptors and are typically not removed with power removal traits.
Enhanced Reflexes
The power to have reaction speeds beyond peak human limits. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition.
Also Called
Advanced Reflexes
Augmented Reflexes
Enhanced Reaction/Reaction Time
Enhanced Reaction Speed
Heightened Reflexes
Increased Reflexes
Extreme Reflexes
Heightened Reflexes
Inhuman Reflexes
Near/Nigh/Semi-Supernatural Reflexes
Near/Nigh/Semi-Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Reflexes
Users have drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge multiple bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles e.g. sniper bullets as well as react to a being with superhuman speed.
Supernatural Speed users may be too fast to react. User of Absolute Speed will effortlessly blitz users of Enhanced Reflexes.
Speed Combat/Accelerated Combatant and Speed Strike will prove difficult for Enhanced Reflexes to respond effectively.
Without Sensorimotor Synchrony or other similar secondary powers, the user's body won't be able to keep up with their reflexes.
Armory TACOM +1 Device
The Armory suit’s operating system provides assistance in identifying and reacting to incoming threats. The combat assistance suite also provides aim assistance for melee and ranged strikes. (Enhanced Dodge 2, Enhanced Fighting 4, Enhanced Ranged Combat 2)
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