Adapted from Nigh Omnipotence- Superpower Wiki
Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.
The state of being supremely almighty and all-powerful.
Omnipotence (from Latin: Omni Potens, lit. "all power") is a quality most commonly attributed to deities in monotheistic religions. The concept of omnipotence has been represented in a myriad of vastly different ways - Pantheism: where being omnipotent is synonymous with being one with everything, Agnosticism: which postulates that God and the omnipotence it possesses is incomprehensible, Monotheism: where there can only be omnipotent being, etc. - all of which have differing views on the attributes of omnipotence and hence their 'level of power'. Some philosophers claim that omnipotence can do that which is only confined within the realms of human logic, while others claim that omnipotence can do anything and everything, no matter how contradictory. However, due to the nature of this concept, the existence of omnipotence is impossible to prove, much less fictional characters possessing omnipotence.
Due to the innumerable variations of omnipotence that have been conceived, this page will only delve into the most inconceivable and variation of omnipotence, thus also making it the most 'powerful' version of the concept, which will be referred henceforth as True Omnipotence.
Principles of True Omnipotence
Absolutely Everything
True Omnipotence is associated heavily with the concept of "totality" and "absolute infinity", transcending both those concepts infinitely and encompassing absolutely everything, anything, and nothing. Omnipotence encapsulates everything imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, definable, undefinable, scalable, un-scalable, fictional, non-fictional, logical, illogical, conceivable, unconceivable, infinitum, and even the everything beyond it, and the everything beyond that, and the everything beyond that. Despite all this, it still wouldn't be an infinitesimal fraction of the true everything it encompasses.
Additionally, since the concept of "everything", including the concept of omnipotence and God, is a human construct, omnipotence would transcend infinitely far beyond all of humanity's thoughts, imagination, conceptualizations etc. In other words, its power reaches anything, even things that are outside of humanity's collective knowledge and limitless imagination.
Only One
Due to its nature, there can only be one omnipotent being. Suppose omnipotence splits into parts, each one of these parts are both omnipotent. As an omnipotent entity would be able to do absolutely anything, any slightest opposition between each part will lead to successfully negating the doing, and hence the result is nothing happens until there is unity. But that is the same as one omnipotence, thus removing the distinction of splitting and not splitting omnipotence into multiples. In short, there can be only one omnipotent being, as another of equal power and authority would act as a limit to each other, making both not fully omnipotent.
No Limits
Omnipotence doesn't have limits. It transcends anything, fiction, consciousness, awareness, dimensions, existence, axioms, mathematics, concepts, logic, thoughts, everything humanity represents, transcendence and even itself. Anything that can and ever will be conceptualized by humans and whatever that can't and wouldn't be limits for an omnipotent being.
If it can create a being more powerful than itself, than that being would be a limit, making the omnipotent being not omnipotent in the first place. Transcending omnipotence would have the exact same outcome as well. This also applies to the aforementioned situation of there being two omnipotent beings.
Omnipotent is the ultimate end-all of everything, meaning that there is no "beyond omnipotence" no matter how much logic a being is stated to transcend. Suppose again that there was a being that was "beyond omnipotence", whatever is being transcended was never omnipotent in the first place, and the "beyond omnipotent" being would be omnipotent in its place. This cycle can repeat forever and ever. An infinite recursion of "beyond omnipotence"s. And the end result would still be, without exception, omnipotence.
Omnipotence is fundamentally a trans-fictional concept, meaning that nothing that ever appears in fiction (or even imagination) can ever be truly omnipotent regardless of how many statements or feats its author provides, whether it'd be their character transcending fiction, treating the real world as a dream or fiction, their character being incomprehensible to the human mind and thus any of its concepts (including omnipotence), or asserting that me typing this very sentence itself is somehow the result of their character's meddling, said entity will never be considered to be truly omnipotent. This is due to the simple fact that their very nature acting as a limitation that can and will never be overcome.
Omnipotence is a concept that is beyond human comprehension and language or any of communication isn't enough to fully describe it, any attempt to perceive or attribute meaning or understanding to it would dull its absoluteness. Since the dawn of this concept as an attribute to God, many paradoxes have emerged from philosophers and theologians coming up with different interpretations for what it means for a subject to be omnipotent, giving rise to 'types' of omnipotence, with the two most well-known types being logical and illogical omnipotence.
True omnipotence is where one is unconstraint by logic, doing the impossible such as "bigger than infinity", "making a squared circle" or "beyond omnipotence". An omnipotent being can transcend itself, and be "beyond omnipotence", but at the same time will also still be omnipotent. Moreover, logic is but a human construct at the end of the day, and hypothetical truly omnipotent being would obviously be unaffected by the conceptions of humans. Any definable trait or aspect of omnipotence only represents an inconceivable fraction of its true nature. The act of imposing a definition onto something of this caliber is equivalent to diminishing it.
True omnipotence is a concept that is ultimately incomprehensible to the human mind as humans, and similarly any other sentient being, have limitations to their imagination and perception that severely impede its capability to conceive the true nature of omnipotence.
True omnipotence is beginningless and endless, having always existed before existence or any conceptions of time or being. It is for this reason that omnipotence is impossible to achieve, in fiction or in reality. An omnipotent being must exist before any conceivable 'beginnings' for the simple reason that any period that an omnipotent being isn't omnipotent makes the omnipotence it possesses not absolute.
Transcendent Consciousness
The power to have or be the original primordial consciousness
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