Who Do You Think You Are? Human Physiology

 Adapted from Human Physiology- Superpower Wiki

Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.

A character’s inherent physiology is a common source for their abilities. Humans are no different. The application of human physiology grants powers to humans that lean into their humaness. This collection of powers also represents arrays available to other species that have the ability to transform into a Human form

Human Physiology

The power to use the abilities of humans. Technique of Human Manipulation. Variation of Primate and Mammalian Physiology.

Also Called

Homo Sapiens Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology

Human Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry

Midgardian Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology

Nevadean Body/Form/Imitation/Mimicry/Physiology


The users are humans (Homo sapiens), a mammalian species of mundanes and mortals who are a known to being sentient and sapient race who inhabit the planet earth as a dominant species, said to be related to primates.

Humans are unique beings rich with potential, possessing appropriate attributes, aspects and quantities that’s a part of their human nature gifted with beauty, intelligence, social skills and many other ordinary traits that makes up for their lack of supernatural powers and makes them well developed beings. With such potential, they proved to be very capable beings are as the reigned-on earth above many other known species as an apex predator, all following their own path.

Most humans are capable of reaching their full potential as they train and learn to grow, as they can advance themselves to reach the superiority of their mundane status to their peak, as they hone their skills and natural abilities that can make them formidable and admired being ever known. Because of such skills and determination they can take on most known supernatural beings on fare levels.

Non-human of this physiology, are considered anthropomorphic beings who personify/develop human characteristics or can transform into a human. They can also gain humans dexterity with our opposable thumbs and gain human intelligence, all of which makes them an equal match to actual human beings.


Conditional Evolution/Reactive Adaptation

Limited and to a lesser extent.

Adaptive Resistance
Forest/Mountain/Plains Adaptation
Enhanced Craftsmanship

Humans are the greatest tool-makers produced by evolution.

Human Anatomy Replication
Peak Condition
Human Locomotion Replication
Human Sapience Replication
Human Speech Replication


Human physiology can be broadly categorized into a five level nested hierarchy in which each increasingly more powerful level is contained as a subset within its preceding level.

Human Physiology


Homo Sapiens Heidelbergensis
Homo Sapiens Idaltu (Herto men)
Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Modern humans)
Special Humans
Human Monster
Mutated Human
Exotic Human
Human Hybrid
Demigod (Varies)
Human Subspecies
Magical Human


Android Physiology

Animal Imitation

Animal Morphing



Cyber Organism Physiology

Human Disguise

Human Form

Human Magic

Human Manipulation

Human Morphing

Human Power

Humanity Force Manipulation

Humanity Retainment


Humanoid Physiology


Primate Physiology

Political Embodiment
