Adapted from Distance Sense- Superpower Wiki
Distance Sense
The power to sense any type of distance. Sub-power of Distance Manipulation.Variation of Enhanced Senses.
Also Called
Range Sense
The user can sense their distance from things located in their proximity or that they wish to know, be they physical (like people or objects) or non-physical (like knowledge or spiritual entities), allowing them to instinctively tell how far away is all the matter in their vicinity from them, or how close they are to things like, information they seek, goals they are intending to accomplish, reaching certain states/conditions (e.g., exhaustion), getting to certain destinations, etc.
Unlike Spatial Perception where users are only able to sense spatial distances, Distance Sense deals with more than just sensing spatial distances, like, for example, sensing how close the user is to finding a certain word that they are looking for on the page(s) of a book.
Distance Sense requires one Rank of the Senses Effect
May need to come prepared for encounters with the wrong people or things.
May need to be cautious with how close they get to certain things, especially things that can bring the user undesirable results, such as death.
Armory Sensor Suite- EM Band Range Finder +1 Device
The Armory suit’s Sensor array can also generate focused beams along the EM Spectrum that give the pilot readings for thier distance to other objects. (Distance Sense,)
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