Beyond the Threshold; Thermoreception

 Adapted from Thermoreception- Superpower Wiki


The power to perceive thermal signatures. Sub-power of Infrared Radiation Manipulation, Thermal Manipulation. Variation of Enhanced Senses.

Also Called

Body Heat Sense

Enhanced Thermoception

Heat/Cold Sense

Infrared Vision/Sensory/Perception

Thermal Sense/Vision

Thermal Scanning (Lab Rats)


The user is able to perceive the far infrared spectrum (i.e. temperature signatures), allowing them to perceive temperature variations in objects and environment. This ability is incredibly useful for observation purposes, as the user is able to perceive the heat presences of any living targets. This power is capability of seeing biological or artificial systems to detect infrared radiation. The terms thermal vision and thermal imaging, are also commonly used in this context since infrared emissions from a body are directly related to their temperature: hotter objects emit more energy in the infrared spectrum than colder ones.

Cold temperatures appear as green or blue while warmer ones appear yellow to dark pink or even red-orange-yellow.


You can perceive in the infrared portion of the spectrum, allowing you to see heat patterns. Darkness does not provide concealment for objects differing in temperature from their surroundings. If you have the Track effect, you can track warm creatures by the faint heat trails they leave behind. Thermoreception requires one Rank of the Senses Effect


Body Heat Camouflage renders the ability useless.

Too much heat can blind a user from sensing the target, if the target hides near or within a major heat source. (Such as setting the surrounding area on fire).

May be limited to sensing temperatures in one sense (usually sight).


Armory Sensor Suite- Thermal Sight +1 Device


The Armory helmet is outfitted with a thermal sight the provides an infrared visual overlay to the Pilot.  (Infravision)
