Working through a collision of genre fiction interests, I have sorted my Campaign setting ideas into three settings: The Sundered Cosmos, a Fantasy setting mixing Golarion with Magic the Gathering’s Multiverse; The Stellar Marches, a Starfinder 2e setting forming alongside the playtest currently running; and The Sentry Core a Hero Builder setting using a modified set of Mutants and Masterminds rules.
Second Chance Advantage
Choose a particular hazard, such as falling, being tripped, triggering traps, mind control (or another fairly specific power effect, such as Damage with the fire descriptor) or a particular skill with consequences for failure. If you fail a check against that hazard, you can make another immediately and use the better of the two results. You only get one second chance for any given check, and the GM decides if a particular hazard or skill is an appropriate focus for this advantage. You can take this advantage multiple times, each for a different hazard.
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