Get into Treatment

 You’re trained in treating injuries and ailments. 

Treatment Intellect Skill

The check DC and effect of Treatment depend on the task:

Treatment Difficulties




Diagnose injuries and ailments.


Provide long-term care.


Revive dazed or stunned characters.


Stabilize dying character.


Treat diseases or poisons.

If you do not have the appropriate medical equipment and supplies, you take a –5 circumstance penalty on your check. If your subject has a particularly unusual biology (an alien, for example) you may also suffer a circumstance penalty.

You can use the Treatment skill on yourself, but only to diagnose, provide care, or treat disease or poison. You take a –5 circumstance penalty on checks when treating yourself.


You can diagnose injuries and ailments with an eye toward further treatment. This takes at least a minute. At the GM’s discretion, a successful diagnosis provides a +2 bonus for favorable circumstances on further Treatment checks.

Provide Care

Providing care means treating an injured patient for a day or more. If successful, the patient further reduces the recovery time by 1 rank (see Recovery in Action & Adventure). You can provide care for up to your Treatment rank in patients at one time.


You can remove the dazed or stunned conditions from a subject (see Conditions in Action & Adventure). The check to revive is a standard action. A successful check removes the condition. Other conditions the patient may have remain, so reviving someone incapacitated due to fatigue still leaves the patient exhausted, for example, while awakening someone incapacitated due to damage still leaves the patient staggered. You can’t awaken a dying character without stabilizing him first (see the following).


As a standard action, a successful Treatment check stabilizes a dying character.

Treat Disease and Poison

You can treat a character afflicted with a disease or poison. You make a Treatment check each time the character makes a resistance check against the ailment. One degree of success provides the patient with a +2 circumstance bonus to the resistance check, three or more degrees of success provides a +5 circumstance bonus.
