Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Syndics of the Holy Vault, One Doesn't Make Change in the Offering Plate

 These menials of the Holy Vault are responsible for collecting debts for the church. Aspiring clerics of one of the Vault's patron deities won over to the bank's cynical approach to "charity". They typically command a thrill or two to act as additional muscle for their charge.

Syndic of Tithes   Devotee 2




Perception +10

Languages Common

Skills  Diplomacy +8, Religion +8, Survival +7

Str +2, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +4

Items Mace, 1 Vault Halo

AC 17; Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +11

HP 24

Speed 25

Melee   mace +8 (Shove), Damage 1d6+2 bludgeoning

Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 18, attack +10; 1st Animate Dead, Bane, Ray of Enfeeblement, ; cantrips (1st) Approximate, Guidance, Haunting Hymn, Read Aura, Shield

Wealth Domain Spells DC 18, attack +8; 1st Appearance of Wealth;

Healing Font 

Role in Murizara

The Holy Vault might present themselves as a benevolent organization offering the needy spiritual guidance and financial aid. They run soup kitchens, orphanages, and clinics, earning the trust of the people. However, beneath this facade lies a sinister agenda.

The Burden of a Halo 

As a Representative of the Vault, a syndic of tithes will seek to acquire “clients” for the eternal bank. Clients marked by the exchange of Vault Halos. The Holy Vault trades in favor; favor both literally and symbolically represented in the exchange of the golden Vault Halo. The Vault Halo is a large golden coin a quarter of an inch thick and two inches in diameter; the coins have a half-inch hole in the center. The head side of the coin depicts the locked vault door, and the tail side depicts the scale of commerce. The outer edge of the coin is etched in celestial script. “This token, bought at great price, may be exchanged for weighty favor from the great vault” The acceptance of a Vault Halo reveals the true name of the recipient to the mintor. After the acceptance of a Vault Halo more celestial script appears on the inner edge binding the recipient by their true name to the grantor. Members of the Holy Vault will grant any favor within their power in exchange for a Vault Halo.

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