Saturday, February 17, 2024

Waste Not Want Not, Burden Thrulls


Constructs of amalgamated dead flesh, thrulls are common companions of the Church of the Holy Vault. Thrulls are composed of lumpy, plaid, grey flesh and have their faces covered with a smooth, featureless gold mask. Unliving examples of the order's view of the indebted. Most of the recipients of the church's "charity" die still owing a balance to their benefactors. The bodies of the wretched deceased are handed over to Vault charnel pits, where they are dissolved into amorphous biomass that is then reshaped into the physical form of the Thrull. Even the consciousness of the thrill is stripped from the indebted client of the church. Those who try to escape their debts by taking their own life have their spirits culled and bound to the thrill's gold mask.

Burden thrulls are massive undead constructs created by the Church of the Holy Vault to serve as tireless laborers. Composed of the amalgamated flesh of debtors who failed to repay their debts, these hulking figures embody the church's unforgiving view of financial obligation. Burden thrulls lack individual thought or feeling, driven solely by the will of their masters to carry out the most taxing tasks. While primarily used for construction or transporting massive cargo, their immense strength and resilience can also make them formidable guardians or siege weapons.

Burden thrulls are unlikely to be encountered alone, as their lack of intelligence necessitates supervision. They might be used to guard important sites, haul cargo through treacherous terrain, or even be deployed as shock troops in conflicts where raw power outweighs individual skill.

Burden Thrull   Creature 5






Perception +9; darkvision

Languages Common, Necril

Skills  Athletics +13, Stealth +10

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +5, Int -3, Wis +1, Cha -3

AC 21; Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +9

HP 91 (negative healing); Immunities bleed, death effects, diseased, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious

Speed 25 feet, 35 on all fours

Melee   fist +13, Damage 2d8+7 bludgeoning plus Grab

Ranged  body +13 (Thrown Ranged 40ft), Damage 2d6+6 bludgeoning

Jaws  (attack); Requirement The Thrull has a creature grabbed or restrained. Effect The Thrull makes a jaws unarmed melee Strike against the grabbed or restrained creature with an attack modifier of +7 that deals 2d12+3 piercing damage.

Throw Foe - Requirement The Thrull has a creature grabbed or restrained. Effect The Thrull makes a throwing ranged attack against another creature. the thrown creatures take just as much damage from being thrown as the target they hit. A thrown creature lands prone

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