When Enchanted Beings are ascended by the Celestial order, their arms and torsos are subdermally laced with golden script. This gold etching is tuned to white mana, which disrupts magic that targets the enchanted being. This celestial warding also bonds the bearer to leylines of white mana, which grants them access to divine spellcraft.
Celestial Warding
Body Augmentation
A powerful magic enchantment that nullifies harmful magic effects and bonds the petitioner to white mana. This warding symbolizes the being's devotion to the Celestial order.
Reactive (Activates when Targeted) Broad (Magic effects)Area Nullify
The Warding Ceremony
Anointed members of the Celestial order perform this sacred ritual. The petitioner is placed in the center of a circle, and clergy of the order pray over the ritual circle. As they do, the golden script of Celestial Warding is inscribed on the being's arms and torso in a subdermal fashion. This process is both painful and transformative, and it marks the petitioner as one who the Celestials have chosen.
Roll of the Warded
Morrigan Hawthorne
Raised in the church of Stella Risa, Morrigan’s parents dedicated her to the service of the Angelic Queen. Brought up under the protection of the Risan Church, Morrigan trusts the intentions of the Celestial order; she believes the order must be diligently protected from corruption.
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