The Essence of Power; Barrier Transmutation

 Adapted from Barrier Transmutation- Superpower Wiki

The power to transmute energy/matter into barriers. Technique of Force-Field Manipulation and Shield Manipulation. Variation of Transmutation.

Barrier Transmutation


The user can transform energy/matter, including objects and living beings, into barriers. These can range from simple surfaces such as armor, platforms, shields, and walls to fields composed of various elements that are either centered on the user or other areas. In some cases, this ability can extend to other kinds of barriers, such as mental or spatial.

Arrest 1 Power Point




A mage restrains a target indefinitely by channeling white mana into raw construct restraints. 

Create, Impervious, Limited (Restraint or barrier) Check Required (Effect fails to Manifest unless it traps a subject dodge check) 12
