Adapted From- Brawling Mastery- Superpower Wiki
The ability to be a master of brawling. Sub-power of Combat Pragmatist.
Brawling Power
The Character has the moves and is hard to hit.
Power Set: Basic
Prerequisite: None
Duration: Permanent
Effect: You can use your Melee defense score against Agility attacks, too.
The user is a master of street fighting, styles of fighting that were learned on the streets or on the fly rather than traditional martial arts; effectively, the user is self-taught, their skill being the result of a mass accumulation of experience on the streets and adapting moves from watching and getting into fights. This can throw off others used to more conventional styles.
Users have an intuitive mastery of all the associated brawling skills and techniques, which grants them major leverage in any brawling situation. Users can perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake fight any and every type of brawling there is, was, and will ever be, whenever they want with zero effort by themselves in a short amount of time.
The user is so good at brawling, that they can dominate in any street fight perfectly. Users can easily brawl so flawlessly that it instantly hooks everyone who sees it and every person who sees it instantly thinks it’s the very peak of street fighting. Each move the user makes in a brawl will be objectively and unanimously perfect in every facet aspect and detail. Each move the user makes will have been an immediate, unmatched success in every way.
This is the ultimate brawling mechanism, since the user will automatically brawl with perfect skill, technique and timing. The users full and complete mastery in brawling and anything related to brawling makes the user the ultimate brawler.
This also allows the user to easily dominate every brawling-based competition at any and every competition level in all aspects.
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