Your Standard Hero; Basic Powers


Basic Powers Power Set

Powers That don’t have listed power sets are called Basic Powers. These don’t count against the number of power sets a character can pick from. Any character can select and use them freely.


Accuracy 1-4 Power

Additional Limbs Power

Anger Power

Brawling Power

The Character has the moves and is hard to hit.

Brilliance 1-4 Power

Combat Trickery Power

This Character is a Tricky one

Discipline 1-4 Power

Disguise Power

Energy Absorption Power

Environmental Protection Power

Evasion Power

Flight 1-2 Power

Group Flight Power

Healing Factor Power

The Character heals amazingly fast.

Heightened Senses Power

Iconic Weapon Power

Inspiration Power

Integrity Power

Mighty 1-4 Power

You are superhumanly strong

Reinforced Skeleton Power

Shape-Shift Power

Slow-Motion Dodge Power

Sturdy 1-4 Power

You have protection from physical damage

Uncanny 1-4 Power

Wisdom power

Wisecracker Power
