Sunday, July 7, 2024

Beyond the Threshold; Enhanced Scent

 Adapted from Enhanced Scent- Superpower Wiki and Senses Power-D20 Hero SRD

Enhanced Scent

The power to possess a superhuman sense of smell. Variation of
Enhanced Senses.


Users can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin, and track targets with nothing but their noses. Some may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses, or tumors by which hormones/smells a target excretes.


Enhancements to ones sense of smell are calculated against the capabilities of a typical human. One’s sense of smell can be “improved” in a number of ways these are tracked as ranks of the Senses Effect and cost one point per rank.

Normal Scent

Normal human olfactory senses, which lump together smell and taste for descriptor purposes, are fairly limited. Ordinary human olfactory senses are neither acute nor accurate. The sense of smell is a radius sense; however, it is able to pick up on scents from any direction. Its “range” is quite limited; however, effectively only close, except for especially strong scents.

Accurate Scent • 2 ranks

Accurate scent can pinpoint something’s exact location. You can use an accurate sense to target something in combat. 

Acute Scent • 1 rank

You can smell fine details about anything you can detect with scent, allowing you to distinguish between and identify different subjects.

Analytical Scent • 1 rank

Beyond even acute, you can perceive specific details about anything you can smell, such as chemical composition. Analytical Scent only develops from Acute Scent. Any creature that possesses Analytical Scent also possesses Acute Scent.

Counters Concealment • 2 ranks

Scent with this trait ignores the Concealment effect of a particular descriptor; you sense the subject of the effect normally as if the Concealment wasn’t even there. For 5 ranks, the sense type ignores all Concealment effects, regardless of the descriptor. Concealed subjects seem slightly “off” to you, enough to know they are concealed to others. 

Counters Illusion • 2 ranks

Scent with this trait ignores the Illusion effect; you automatically succeed on your resistance check against the illusion if it affects your sense type, realizing that it isn’t real.

Distance Scent • 1 rank

You can accurately and automatically judge distances.

Extended Scent • 1 rank

Your scent operates at a greater-than-normal range. Your range with the sense—the distance used to determine penalties to your Perception check—is increased by 10. Each additional time you apply this option, your range increases by an additional factor of 10, so 1 rank means you have a –1 to Perception checks per 100 feet, 2 ranks make it –1 per 1,000 feet, and so on. An extended sense may be limited by conditions like the horizon and physical barriers between you and the subject unless it also Penetrates Concealment.

Ranged Scent • 1 rank

You can use a sense that normally has no range (taste or touch in humans) to make Perception checks at range, with the normal –1 per 10 feet modifier. This can be enhanced with the Extended Sense effect.

Rapid Scent • 1 rank

You can read or take in information from a sense faster than normal: each rank increases your perception speed by a factor of 10 (x10, x100, etc.) with a single sense, double cost for an entire sense type. You can use rapid vision to speed-read, pick up on rapid flickering between film frames, watch video replays in fast-forward speeds, and such, rapid hearing to listen to time-compressed audio “blips,” and so forth.

Tracking • 1 rank

You can follow trails and track using a particular sense. Basic DC to follow a trail is 10, modified by circumstances, as the GM sees fit. You move at your speed rank –1 while tracking. For 2 ranks, you can move at full normal speed while tracking


Innate: Senses, particularly those of aliens or constructs like robots, maybe Innate, although this does not prevent sensory effects like Concealment or Dazzle from disabling them. Flat +1 point.

Enhanced Sensate

Shisk Template


Some conditions that influenced the development of the shisk’s quills also triggered sensory sensitivities in the shisk. The shisk's eyes function under lower light conditions, and its olfactory nerves are more sensitive to smells.

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