Going Nuclear; Atomic Manipulation

 Adapted from Atomic Manipulation- Superpower Wiki

Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.

Atomic Manipulation

The power to manipulate matter at an atomic level. Variation of Matter Manipulation, Sub-power of Physics Manipulation.


The user can manipulate Atoms, the smallest part of a chemical element that can retain its chemical identity (Atom can measure from 270 to 20 Picometers), and objects that form molecules. It is the basic unit of matter. The majority of an atom is concentrated with its nucleus, surrounded by one or more electrons, followed by protons and neutrons forming the nucleus of an atom. Every state and category of physical matter is a conclusion of electrons interacting with the atom. The amount of protons determines the chemical element of the atom. The number of neutrons determines the isotope of the chemical element. An atom interacts with the electromagnetic force due to the electrons and the nuclear force because of the nucleus. Due to repelling of the electromagnetic force and nuclear force, this proceeds into radioactive decay and nuclear transmutation. Atoms are responsible for chemical bonding, which governs nearly all of chemistry. By manipulating atoms, users can manipulate chemistry, elements, nuclear power, and control matter at an atomic level.

The user possesses all applications and capabilities users of molecular manipulation have. However, they possess additional abilities due to manipulating atoms; they can manipulate chemistry, control the composition that forms atoms, and manipulate nuclear forces (nuclear fission and nuclear fusion), including radiation and electromagnetic at an atomic level. The user can transform atoms to form any material the user desires, control ionizing radiation and radioactive decay, and influence the nucleus to manipulate nuclear interactions, such as triggering a nuclear explosion.

The user can possess precise manipulation over atoms to treat the physical universe as their sandbox, treating everything as a game.


Atomic manipulation typically manifests as an array associated with an Atomic descriptor; unrestricted Atomic manipulation is a highly versatile power and would likely be a variable power effect worth 7 power points per degree.


Ionic Manipulation

The power to manipulate ions
