Turn To Stone; Stone Mimicry

 Adapted from Stone Mimicry- Superpower Wiki

Lately, I have been exploring various realms of genre fiction and wondering if there was a way to crash them together in a tabletop experience. This means figuring out a way to balance unrelated effects against each other. I love Mutants and Masterminds for its ability do describe almost any character ability you can think of, so I am experimenting with M&M’s tools to work on ways to fold multiple genres together.

Stone Mimicry

The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of stone. Technique of Mineral Manipulation. Variation of Earth Mimicry.


The user is made up of or can transform their body completely into stone. A user's transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of stone, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately, the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.

Several kinds of stone exist, with varying hardness and durability. The user may be able to tap into their varying abilities, such as the sharpness of obsidian.

Stone Mimics

Yetzirah Character 10




Forged from stone and imbued with a protective spirit, Yetzirah was created centuries ago to safeguard a small, idyllic village. Towering and sculpted from rough-hewn stone, Yetzirah is an intimidating presence. Yetzirah serves as a formidable operative for DOMAIN. The golem's incredible strength, resilience, and unwavering loyalty make them valuable.
